03 November 2012

Thanksgiving Challenge, Day 3

Day #3: I'm thankful that God is Creative

This afternoon I was sitting with my son on a blanket in the front yard. (At ten months, he doesn't like the feel of grass on his hands when he crawls, so he won't leave the blanket!) I was showing him all the pretty leaves that have fallen in our yard. It turned into a game where he grabbed each one out of my hand, crumpled it up, and threw it on the ground. He thought that this game was really funny! But as I handed each leaf to him, I noticed that, even though they all mostly came from our Bradford pear tree, every one was different. They were different sizes, slightly different shapes, and many different shades of red, orange, and brown. And I thought how creative our Maker is. He made so many diverse types of trees and plants and animals and people and planets and stars and amoebas! What an amazing Creator!